{"publication_status":"published","place":"Amsterdam","keyword":["Gender differences","Stereotypes","Dictator game","Economic behavior and expectations"],"year":"2024","article_number":"102742","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0167-4870"]},"department":[{"_id":"DEP1512"},{"_id":"DEP1514"}],"status":"public","user_id":"58841","volume":103,"date_updated":"2025-01-24T10:57:45Z","_id":"12153","doi":"10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742","date_created":"2024-12-04T11:50:49Z","quality_controlled":"1","title":"Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game","citation":{"mla":"Austermann, Christine, et al. “Stereotypical Behavior vs. Expectations: Gender Differences in a Dictator Game.” Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 103, 102742, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742.","din1505-2-1":"Austermann, Christine ; von Blanckenburg, Korbinian ; Iseke, Anja ; Tebbe, Eva: Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game. In: Journal of Economic Psychology Bd. 103. Amsterdam, Elsevier (2024)","chicago-de":"Austermann, Christine, Korbinian von Blanckenburg, Anja Iseke und Eva Tebbe. 2024. Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game. Journal of Economic Psychology 103. doi:10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742, .","short":"C. Austermann, K. von Blanckenburg, A. Iseke, E. Tebbe, Journal of Economic Psychology 103 (2024).","havard":"C. Austermann, K. von Blanckenburg, A. Iseke, E. Tebbe, Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game, Journal of Economic Psychology. 103 (2024).","ieee":"C. Austermann, K. von Blanckenburg, A. Iseke, and E. Tebbe, “Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game,” Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 103, Art. no. 102742, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742.","chicago":"Austermann, Christine, Korbinian von Blanckenburg, Anja Iseke, and Eva Tebbe. “Stereotypical Behavior vs. Expectations: Gender Differences in a Dictator Game.” Journal of Economic Psychology 103 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742.","bjps":"Austermann C et al. (2024) Stereotypical Behavior vs. Expectations: Gender Differences in a Dictator Game. Journal of Economic Psychology 103.","van":"Austermann C, von Blanckenburg K, Iseke A, Tebbe E. Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2024;103.","ufg":"Austermann, Christine u. a.: Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game, in: Journal of Economic Psychology 103 (2024).","ama":"Austermann C, von Blanckenburg K, Iseke A, Tebbe E. Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game. Journal of Economic Psychology. 2024;103. doi:10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742","apa":"Austermann, C., von Blanckenburg, K., Iseke, A., & Tebbe, E. (2024). Stereotypical behavior vs. expectations: Gender differences in a dictator game. Journal of Economic Psychology, 103, Article 102742. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2024.102742"},"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"In general gender differences have frequently been studied in experimental economics, but the findings remain inconclusive. In this study, we focus on gender differences in expectations and gender specific stereotypic mindsets in a dictator game, building on Blanckenburg, Tebbe, & Iseke (2023). We add to prior work by differentiating between stereotypical behavior and stereotypical expectations. Accordingly, we extended the classic dictator game by three steps in order to study whether recipients develop stereotypical beliefs regarding the dictator’s gender based on the amount of money the dictator has allocated to them. First, we asked recipients to estimate the amount. We then revealed the amount the dictator actually allocated to the recipient and finally, we asked the recipient to assess the dictator’s gender. In contrast to and building on previous results which show no gender differences regarding the amount the dictators allocate, we find evidence for stereotypical expectations of the recipients based on the amount the dictator allocates to them."}],"publication":"Journal of Economic Psychology","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publisher":"Elsevier","author":[{"full_name":"Austermann, Christine","first_name":"Christine","id":"79034","last_name":"Austermann"},{"last_name":"von Blanckenburg","full_name":"von Blanckenburg, Korbinian","first_name":"Korbinian","id":"58841"},{"last_name":"Iseke","id":"68702","full_name":"Iseke, Anja","orcid":"0000-0002-1823-1427","first_name":"Anja"},{"first_name":"Eva","full_name":"Tebbe, Eva","id":"61596","last_name":"Tebbe"}],"type":"scientific_journal_article","intvolume":" 103"}