{"citation":{"chicago-de":"Kutz, Gerd, R. Daniels und Dominic Kamke. 2018. Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size. In: .","chicago":"Kutz, Gerd, R. Daniels, and Dominic Kamke. “Real Time Control of Melt Granulation Processes by Inline Measurement of Particle Size,” 2018.","mla":"Kutz, Gerd, et al. Real Time Control of Melt Granulation Processes by Inline Measurement of Particle Size. 2018.","apa":"Kutz, G., Daniels, R., & Kamke, D. (2018). Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size. 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada (Spanien).","din1505-2-1":"Kutz, Gerd ; Daniels, R. ; Kamke, Dominic: Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size. In: , 2018","ama":"Kutz G, Daniels R, Kamke D. Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size. In: ; 2018.","ufg":"Kutz, Gerd/Daniels, R./Kamke, Dominic: Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size, in: o. Hg.: o. O. 2018.","bjps":"Kutz G, Daniels R and Kamke D (2018) Real Time Control of Melt Granulation Processes by Inline Measurement of Particle Size.","ieee":"G. Kutz, R. Daniels, and D. Kamke, “Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size,” presented at the 11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Granada (Spanien), 2018.","van":"Kutz G, Daniels R, Kamke D. Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size. In 2018.","short":"G. Kutz, R. Daniels, D. Kamke, in: 2018.","havard":"G. Kutz, R. Daniels, D. Kamke, Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size, in: 2018."},"status":"public","date_updated":"2024-05-28T10:02:11Z","title":"Real time control of melt granulation processes by inline measurement of particle size","date_created":"2020-06-05T18:02:53Z","department":[{"_id":"DEP4022"}],"user_id":"83778","_id":"2881","year":"2018","author":[{"last_name":"Kutz","first_name":"Gerd","full_name":"Kutz, Gerd","id":"12015"},{"last_name":"Daniels","first_name":"R.","full_name":"Daniels, R."},{"id":"59061","full_name":"Kamke, Dominic","last_name":"Kamke","first_name":"Dominic"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"conference":{"location":"Granada (Spanien)","name":"11th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology"},"type":"conference"}