{"year":2019,"department":[{"_id":"DEP6020"},{"_id":"DEP5018"}],"conference":{"name":"21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications - EPE’19 ECCE – EUROPE","start_date":"2019-09-02","location":"Genova, Italy","end_date":"2019-09-05"},"user_id":"64800","doi":"10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437","publisher":"IEEE","citation":{"ama":"Puls S, Austermann J, Borcherding H. The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC Grid. Berlin: IEEE; 2019. doi:10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437","chicago-de":"Puls, Simon, Johann Austermann und Holger Borcherding. 2019. The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid. EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB. Berlin: IEEE. doi:10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437, .","apa":"Puls, S., Austermann, J., & Borcherding, H. (2019). The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid. EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB. Berlin: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437","short":"S. Puls, J. Austermann, H. Borcherding, The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC Grid, IEEE, Berlin, 2019.","din1505-2-1":"Puls, Simon ; Austermann, Johann ; Borcherding, Holger: The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid. Berlin : IEEE, 2019","havard":"S. Puls, J. Austermann, H. Borcherding, The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid, IEEE, Berlin, 2019.","ufg":"Puls, Simon et. al. (2019): The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid, Berlin.","chicago":"Puls, Simon, Johann Austermann, and Holger Borcherding. The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC Grid. EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB. Berlin: IEEE, 2019. https://doi.org/10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437.","van":"Puls S, Austermann J, Borcherding H. The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid. EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB. Berlin: IEEE; 2019.","ieee":"S. Puls, J. Austermann, and H. Borcherding, The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid. Berlin: IEEE, 2019.","bjps":"Puls S, Austermann J and Borcherding H (2019) The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC Grid. Berlin: IEEE.","mla":"Puls, Simon, et al. “The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC Grid.” EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB, IEEE, 2019, doi:10.23919/EPE.2019.8915437."},"publication":"EPE 19 ECCE Europe : CFP19850-USB","_id":"4285","place":"Berlin","status":"public","author":[{"last_name":"Puls","full_name":"Puls, Simon","first_name":"Simon"},{"id":"42114","full_name":"Austermann, Johann","last_name":"Austermann","first_name":"Johann"},{"full_name":"Borcherding, Holger","id":"1693","last_name":"Borcherding","first_name":"Holger"}],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:51Z","type":"conference_editor_article","title":"The Influence on Drive Inverters under the Effects of Short Circuits in an Open Industrial DC grid","publication_status":"published","date_created":"2020-12-14T12:50:15Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}]}