{"place":"London","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"conference","publication_status":"published","year":2011,"page":"255-256","author":[{"first_name":"G.","last_name":"Zülch","full_name":"Zülch, G."},{"id":"71451","last_name":"Gamber","first_name":"Thilo Gerhard","full_name":"Gamber, Thilo Gerhard"}],"publisher":"CRC Press","user_id":"74004","title":"Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life","extern":"1","date_created":"2019-01-22T14:00:34Z","alternative_title":["Abstract Book"],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:54Z","editor":[{"last_name":"Albolino","first_name":"Sara","full_name":"Albolino, Sara"},{"last_name":"Bagnara","first_name":"Sebastiano","full_name":"Bagnara, Sebastiano"},{"first_name":"Tommaso","last_name":"Bellandi","full_name":"Bellandi, Tommaso"},{"first_name":"Javier","last_name":"Llaneza","full_name":"Llaneza, Javier"},{"first_name":"Gustavo","last_name":"Rosal-Lopez","full_name":"Rosal-Lopez, Gustavo"},{"full_name":"Tartaglia, Riccardo","last_name":"Tartaglia","first_name":"Riccardo"}],"_id":"461","citation":{"van":"Zülch G, Gamber TG. Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In: Albolino S, Bagnara S, Bellandi T, Llaneza J, Rosal-Lopez G, Tartaglia R, editors. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011. London: CRC Press; 2011. p. 255–6.","chicago":"Zülch, G., and Thilo Gerhard Gamber. “Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life.” In Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, edited by Sara Albolino, Sebastiano Bagnara, Tommaso Bellandi, Javier Llaneza, Gustavo Rosal-Lopez, and Riccardo Tartaglia, 255–56. London: CRC Press, 2011.","din1505-2-1":"Zülch, G. ; Gamber, Thilo Gerhard: Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In: Albolino, S. ; Bagnara, S. ; Bellandi, T. ; Llaneza, J. ; Rosal-Lopez, G. ; Tartaglia, R. (Hrsg.): Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011. London : CRC Press, 2011, S. 255–256","havard":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, in: S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, CRC Press, London, 2011: pp. 255–256.","bjps":"Zülch G and Gamber TG (2011) Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In Albolino S et al. (eds), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011. London: CRC Press, pp. 255–256.","mla":"Zülch, G., and Thilo Gerhard Gamber. “Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life.” Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, edited by Sara Albolino et al., CRC Press, 2011, pp. 255–56.","apa":"Zülch, G., & Gamber, T. G. (2011). Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, & R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011 (pp. 255–256). London: CRC Press.","short":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, in: S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, CRC Press, London, 2011, pp. 255–256.","ieee":"G. Zülch and T. G. Gamber, “Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life,” in Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, Oviedo, 2011, pp. 255–256.","ama":"Zülch G, Gamber TG. Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In: Albolino S, Bagnara S, Bellandi T, Llaneza J, Rosal-Lopez G, Tartaglia R, eds. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011. London: CRC Press; 2011:255-256.","ufg":"Zülch, G./Gamber, Thilo Gerhard (2011): Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, in: Sara Albolino et. al. (Hgg.): Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, London, S. 255–256.","chicago-de":"Zülch, G. und Thilo Gerhard Gamber. 2011. Agent-Based Planning and Evaluation of Working Times in Hospitals . An Alliance Between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. In: Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011, hg. von Sara Albolino, Sebastiano Bagnara, Tommaso Bellandi, Javier Llaneza, Gustavo Rosal-Lopez, und Riccardo Tartaglia, 255–256. London: CRC Press."},"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9780415684132"]},"status":"public","conference":{"location":"Oviedo","end_date":"2011-06-24","start_date":"2011-06-22","name":"nternational Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS 2011)"},"publication":"Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011"}