{"editor":[{"first_name":"Sara","last_name":"Albolino","full_name":"Albolino, Sara"},{"last_name":"Bagnara","first_name":"Sebastiano","full_name":"Bagnara, Sebastiano"},{"full_name":"Bellandi, Tommaso","last_name":"Bellandi","first_name":"Tommaso"},{"full_name":"Llaneza, Javier","last_name":"Llaneza","first_name":"Javier"},{"full_name":"Rosal-Lopez, Gustavo","first_name":"Gustavo","last_name":"Rosal-Lopez"},{"full_name":"Tartaglia, Riccardo","last_name":"Tartaglia","first_name":"Riccardo"}],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:54Z","title":"Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure","extern":"1","date_created":"2019-01-23T14:12:24Z","conference":{"end_date":"2011-06-24","location":"Oviedo","name":"Proceedings on the International Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety (HEPS 2011)","start_date":"2011-06-22"},"publication":"Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life","_id":"464","citation":{"ama":"Zülch G, Gamber TG, Freytag R. Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In: Albolino S, Bagnara S, Bellandi T, Llaneza J, Rosal-Lopez G, Tartaglia R, eds. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. CRC Press; 2011:291-295.","ieee":"G. Zülch, T. G. Gamber, and R. Freytag, “Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure,” in Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life, Oviedo, 2011, pp. 291–295.","bjps":"Zülch G, Gamber TG and Freytag R (2011) Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In Albolino S et al. (eds), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life. CRC Press, pp. 291–295.","havard":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, R. Freytag, Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure, in: S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, CRC Press, 2011: pp. 291–295.","van":"Zülch G, Gamber TG, Freytag R. Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In: Albolino S, Bagnara S, Bellandi T, Llaneza J, Rosal-Lopez G, Tartaglia R, editors. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011:  An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life. CRC Press; 2011. p. 291–5.","ufg":"Zülch, G. et. al. (2011): Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure, in: Sara Albolino et. al. (Hgg.): Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life, S. 291–295.","chicago-de":"Zülch, G., Thilo Gerhard Gamber und R. Freytag. 2011. Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In: Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life, hg. von Sara Albolino, Sebastiano Bagnara, Tommaso Bellandi, Javier Llaneza, Gustavo Rosal-Lopez, und Riccardo Tartaglia, 291–295. CRC Press.","apa":"Zülch, G., Gamber, T. G., & Freytag, R. (2011). Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, & R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life (pp. 291–295). Oviedo: CRC Press.","short":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, R. Freytag, in: S. Albolino, S. Bagnara, T. Bellandi, J. Llaneza, G. Rosal-Lopez, R. Tartaglia (Eds.), Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, CRC Press, 2011, pp. 291–295.","mla":"Zülch, G., et al. “Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure.” Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, edited by Sara Albolino et al., CRC Press, 2011, pp. 291–95.","chicago":"Zülch, G., Thilo Gerhard Gamber, and R. Freytag. “Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure.” In Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and Citizens for Patient Safety and Quality of Life, edited by Sara Albolino, Sebastiano Bagnara, Tommaso Bellandi, Javier Llaneza, Gustavo Rosal-Lopez, and Riccardo Tartaglia, 291–95. CRC Press, 2011.","din1505-2-1":"Zülch, G. ; Gamber, Thilo Gerhard ; Freytag, R.: Improving the Work Life Balance of Hospital Staff Through an Agent-Based Rostering Procedure. In: Albolino, S. ; Bagnara, S. ; Bellandi, T. ; Llaneza, J. ; Rosal-Lopez, G. ; Tartaglia, R. (Hrsg.): Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety 2011: . An Alliance between Professionals and citizens for Patient safety and Quality of Life : CRC Press, 2011, S. 291–295"},"status":"public","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9780415684132"]},"year":2011,"publication_status":"published","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"type":"conference","publisher":"CRC Press","user_id":"74004","page":"291-295","author":[{"first_name":"G.","last_name":"Zülch","full_name":"Zülch, G."},{"full_name":"Gamber, Thilo Gerhard","last_name":"Gamber","first_name":"Thilo Gerhard","id":"71451"},{"full_name":"Freytag, R.","last_name":"Freytag","first_name":"R."}]}