{"date_created":"2019-01-23T15:15:56Z","extern":"1","title":"Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems","editor":[{"last_name":"Rossetti","first_name":"M.D.","full_name":"Rossetti, M.D."},{"last_name":"Hill","first_name":"R.R.","full_name":"Hill, R.R."},{"first_name":"B.","last_name":"Johansson","full_name":"Johansson, B."},{"full_name":"Dunkin, A.","last_name":"Dunkin","first_name":"A."},{"full_name":"Ingalls, R.G.","first_name":"R.G.","last_name":"Ingalls"}],"date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:55Z","abstract":[{"text":"Production scheduling has attracted the interest of production economics communities for decades, \r\nbut there is still a gap between academic research, real -world problems, operations research and simulation. Genetic Algorithms (GA) represent a technique that has already been applied to a variety of combinatorial problems. \r\nSimulation can be used to find a solution to problems through repetitive simulation runs or to prove a solution \r\ncomputed by an optimization algorithm. We will explain the application of two special GAs for job -shop and resource-\r\nconstrained project scheduling problems trying to bridge the gap between problem solving by algorithm \r\nand by simulation. Possible goals for scheduling problems are to minimize the makespan of a production program or to increase the due -date reliability of jobs or possibly any goal which can be described in a mathematical expression. The approach focuses on integrating a GA into a commercial software product and verifying the results with simulation.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9781424457700"]},"status":"public","citation":{"apa":"Zülch, G., Steininger, P., Gamber, T. G., & Leupold, M. (2009). Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In M. D. Rossetti, R. R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin, & R. G. Ingalls (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives (pp. 2238–2249). New York.","short":"G. Zülch, P. Steininger, T.G. Gamber, M. Leupold, in: M.D. Rossetti, R.R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin, R.G. Ingalls (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, 2009, pp. 2238–2249.","mla":"Zülch, Gert, et al. “Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems.” Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, edited by M.D. Rossetti et al., 2009, pp. 2238–49.","bjps":"Zülch G et al. (2009) Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In Rossetti MD et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives. pp. 2238–2249.","havard":"G. Zülch, P. Steininger, T.G. Gamber, M. Leupold, Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems, in: M.D. Rossetti, R.R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin, R.G. Ingalls (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, 2009: pp. 2238–2249.","van":"Zülch G, Steininger P, Gamber TG, Leupold M. Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In: Rossetti MD, Hill RR, Johansson B, Dunkin A, Ingalls RG, editors. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives. 2009. p. 2238–49.","chicago":"Zülch, Gert, Peter Steininger, Thilo Gerhard Gamber, and Miachael Leupold. “Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems.” In Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, edited by M.D. Rossetti, R.R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin, and R.G. Ingalls, 2238–49, 2009.","din1505-2-1":"Zülch, Gert ; Steininger, Peter ; Gamber, Thilo Gerhard ; Leupold, Miachael: Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In: Rossetti, M. D. ; Hill, R. R. ; Johansson, B. ; Dunkin, A. ; Ingalls, R. G. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, 2009, S. 2238–2249","ufg":"Zülch, Gert et. al. (2009): Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems, in: M.D. Rossetti et. al. (Hgg.): Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, S. 2238–2249.","chicago-de":"Zülch, Gert, Peter Steininger, Thilo Gerhard Gamber und Miachael Leupold. 2009. Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, hg. von M.D. Rossetti, R.R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin, und R.G. Ingalls, 2238–2249.","ama":"Zülch G, Steininger P, Gamber TG, Leupold M. Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems. In: Rossetti MD, Hill RR, Johansson B, Dunkin A, Ingalls RG, eds. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives. ; 2009:2238-2249.","ieee":"G. Zülch, P. Steininger, T. G. Gamber, and M. Leupold, “Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules – From Formalisation to Real Problems,” in Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives, New York, 2009, pp. 2238–2249."},"_id":"469","publication":"Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives","conference":{"end_date":"2009-12-16","location":"New York","name":"2009 Winter Simulation Conference; Energy Alternatives","start_date":"2009-12-13"},"type":"conference","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"year":2009,"publication_status":"published","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.informs-sim.org/wsc09papers/216.pdf","open_access":"1"}],"author":[{"last_name":"Zülch","first_name":"Gert","full_name":"Zülch, Gert"},{"full_name":"Steininger, Peter","last_name":"Steininger","first_name":"Peter"},{"full_name":"Gamber, Thilo Gerhard","last_name":"Gamber","first_name":"Thilo Gerhard","id":"71451"},{"full_name":"Leupold, Miachael","last_name":"Leupold","first_name":"Miachael"}],"oa":"1","page":"2238-2249","related_material":{"link":[{"url":"https://www.informs-sim.org/wsc09papers/216.pdf","relation":"contains"}]},"user_id":"74004"}