{"status":"public","date_created":"2019-01-30T07:51:48Z","editor":[{"full_name":"Olhager, Jan","last_name":"Olhager","first_name":"Jan"},{"full_name":"Persson, Fredrik","last_name":"Persson","first_name":"Fredrik"}],"author":[{"first_name":"Gert","last_name":"Zülch","full_name":"Zülch, Gert"},{"id":"71451","last_name":"Gamber","first_name":"Thilo Gerhard","full_name":"Gamber, Thilo Gerhard"},{"last_name":"Stock","first_name":"Patricia","full_name":"Stock, Patricia"}],"publisher":"Springer","place":"New York","publication_status":"published","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-0-387-74157-4"]},"citation":{"chicago-de":"Zülch, Gert, Thilo Gerhard Gamber und Patricia Stock. 2007. Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In: Advances in Production Management Systems, hg. von Jan Olhager und Fredrik Persson, 337–344. New York: Springer.","ufg":"Zülch, Gert et. al. (2007): Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area, in: Jan Olhager/Fredrik Persson (Hgg.): Advances in Production Management Systems, New York, S. 337–344.","din1505-2-1":"Zülch, Gert ; Gamber, Thilo Gerhard ; Stock, Patricia: Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In: Olhager, J. ; Persson, F. (Hrsg.): Advances in Production Management Systems. New York : Springer, 2007, S. 337–344","chicago":"Zülch, Gert, Thilo Gerhard Gamber, and Patricia Stock. “Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area.” In Advances in Production Management Systems, edited by Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson, 337–44. New York: Springer, 2007.","mla":"Zülch, Gert, et al. “Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area.” Advances in Production Management Systems, edited by Jan Olhager and Fredrik Persson, Springer, 2007, pp. 337–44.","short":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, P. Stock, in: J. Olhager, F. Persson (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems, Springer, New York, 2007, pp. 337–344.","apa":"Zülch, G., Gamber, T. G., & Stock, P. (2007). Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In J. Olhager & F. Persson (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 337–344). New York: Springer.","ieee":"G. Zülch, T. G. Gamber, and P. Stock, “Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area,” in Advances in Production Management Systems, Linköping, 2007, pp. 337–344.","ama":"Zülch G, Gamber TG, Stock P. Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In: Olhager J, Persson F, eds. Advances in Production Management Systems. New York: Springer; 2007:337-344.","van":"Zülch G, Gamber TG, Stock P. Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In: Olhager J, Persson F, editors. Advances in Production Management Systems. New York: Springer; 2007. p. 337–44.","havard":"G. Zülch, T.G. Gamber, P. Stock, Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area, in: J. Olhager, F. Persson (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems, Springer, New York, 2007: pp. 337–344.","bjps":"Zülch G, Gamber TG and Stock P (2007) Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area. In Olhager J and Persson F (eds), Advances in Production Management Systems. New York: Springer, pp. 337–344."},"_id":"486","publication":"Advances in Production Management Systems","conference":{"location":"Linköping","end_date":"2007-09-19","start_date":"2007-09-17","name":"International IFIP TC 5, WG 5.7 Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2007)"},"extern":"1","title":"Methodology for the Analysis of Simulation-Based Decision-Making in the Manufacturing Area","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:49:56Z","keyword":["production planning and control","decision-making system","personnel-oriented simulation"],"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Growing market demands on enterprises and the resulting challenges for their organization have been discussed for many years now. The flexibilty and mutability of an enterprise are thereby considered as a significant factor for success."}],"page":"337-344","user_id":"74004","type":"conference","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"year":2007}