{"citation":{"ufg":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra/Beyer, Micha/Stübbe, Oliver: Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes, Bd. 2019, 01, hg. von Padoano, Elio/Villmer, Franz-Josef, Lemgo 2019 (Publication series in direct digital manufacturing ).","chicago":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Micha Beyer, and Oliver Stübbe. Evaluation of Stereolithograghy Processes for the Production of Lens Prototypes. Edited by Elio Padoano and Franz-Josef Villmer. Production Engineering and Management : Proceedings 9th International Conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy. Vol. 2019, 01. Publication Series in Direct Digital Manufacturing . Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2019.","ama":"Shrotri AN, Beyer M, Stübbe O. Evaluation of Stereolithograghy Processes for the Production of Lens Prototypes. Vol 2019, 01. (Padoano E, Villmer FJ, eds.). Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2019:227-240.","short":"A.N. Shrotri, M. Beyer, O. Stübbe, Evaluation of Stereolithograghy Processes for the Production of Lens Prototypes, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo, 2019.","din1505-2-1":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra ; Beyer, Micha ; Stübbe, Oliver ; Padoano, E. ; Villmer, F.-J. (Hrsg.): Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes, Publication series in direct digital manufacturing . Bd. 2019, 01. Lemgo : Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2019","havard":"A.N. Shrotri, M. Beyer, O. Stübbe, Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo, 2019.","chicago-de":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Micha Beyer und Oliver Stübbe. 2019. Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes. Hg. von Elio Padoano und Franz-Josef Villmer. Production engineering and management : proceedings 9th international conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy. Bd. 2019, 01. Publication series in direct digital manufacturing . Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.","apa":"Shrotri, A. N., Beyer, M., & Stübbe, O. (2019). Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes. In E. Padoano & F.-J. Villmer (Eds.), Production engineering and management : proceedings 9th international conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy (Vols. 2019, 01, pp. 227–240). Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.","ieee":"A. N. Shrotri, M. Beyer, and O. Stübbe, Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes, vol. 2019, 01. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2019, pp. 227–240.","bjps":"Shrotri AN, Beyer M and Stübbe O (2019) Evaluation of Stereolithograghy Processes for the Production of Lens Prototypes, Padoano E and Villmer F-J (eds). Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe.","mla":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, et al. “Evaluation of Stereolithograghy Processes for the Production of Lens Prototypes.” Production Engineering and Management : Proceedings 9th International Conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy, edited by Elio Padoano and Franz-Josef Villmer, vol. 2019, 01, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2019, pp. 227–40.","van":"Shrotri AN, Beyer M, Stübbe O. Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes. Padoano E, Villmer FJ, editors. Production engineering and management : proceedings 9th international conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2019. (Publication series in direct digital manufacturing ; vols. 2019, 01)."},"volume":"2019, 01","publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-3-946856-04-7"]},"publication":"\t Production engineering and management : proceedings 9th international conference, October 03 and 04, 2019, Trieste, Italy","place":"Lemgo","page":"227-240","keyword":["3D printing","stereolithography","optical lens","light forming structures","convex lenses","concave lenses","refraction of light","focal length"],"date_created":"2022-04-19T10:59:03Z","author":[{"full_name":"Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra","id":"74090","orcid":"0000-0003-2116-156X","last_name":"Shrotri","first_name":"Abhijeet Narendra"},{"first_name":"Micha","id":"71403","full_name":"Beyer, Micha","last_name":"Beyer"},{"first_name":"Oliver","full_name":"Stübbe, Oliver","id":"51864","last_name":"Stübbe","orcid":"https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7293-6893"}],"publication_status":"published","type":"conference_editor_article","editor":[{"full_name":"Padoano, Elio","last_name":"Padoano","first_name":"Elio"},{"last_name":"Villmer","id":"14290","full_name":"Villmer, Franz-Josef","first_name":"Franz-Josef"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"series_title":"Publication series in direct digital manufacturing ","conference":{"location":"Trieste","start_date":"2019-10-03","name":"9th International Conference on Production Engineering and Management (PEM)","end_date":"2019-10-04"},"date_updated":"2024-04-19T12:54:20Z","department":[{"_id":"DEP5020"},{"_id":"DEP6020"},{"_id":"DEP5000"}],"publisher":"Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe","year":"2019","title":"Evaluation of stereolithograghy processes for the production of lens prototypes","user_id":"51864","_id":"7679","status":"public"}