{"department":[{"_id":"DEP9021"}],"publication_status":"published","status":"public","year":2017,"citation":{"ieee":"K. Brömme, H. Stolpe, C. Jolk, Q. V. Trinh, F. Bilek, and A. Ulbricht, Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. London: CRC Press, 2017, p. 604.","van":"Brömme K, Stolpe H, Jolk C, Trinh QV, Bilek F, Ulbricht A. Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Hu Z, editor. Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas. London: CRC Press; 2017.","bjps":"Brömme K et al. (2017) Mine Water Management as an Important Part of Mining and Transition to Post-Mining in Hard Coal Mining Areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, Hu Z (ed.). London: CRC Press.","apa":"Brömme, K., Stolpe, H., Jolk, C., Trinh, Q. V., Bilek, F., & Ulbricht, A. (2017). Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. (Z. Hu, Ed.), Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas (p. 604). London: CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315166582","short":"K. Brömme, H. Stolpe, C. Jolk, Q.V. Trinh, F. Bilek, A. Ulbricht, Mine Water Management as an Important Part of Mining and Transition to Post-Mining in Hard Coal Mining Areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, CRC Press, London, 2017.","chicago-de":"Brömme, Katrin, Harro Stolpe, Christian Jolk, Quoc Viet Trinh, Felix Bilek und Antje Ulbricht. 2017. Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Hg. von Zhenqi Hu. Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas. London: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781315166582, .","havard":"K. Brömme, H. Stolpe, C. Jolk, Q.V. Trinh, F. Bilek, A. Ulbricht, Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, CRC Press, London, 2017.","mla":"Brömme, Katrin, et al. “Mine Water Management as an Important Part of Mining and Transition to Post-Mining in Hard Coal Mining Areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam.” Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas, edited by Zhenqi Hu, CRC Press, 2017, p. 604, doi:10.1201/9781315166582.","chicago":"Brömme, Katrin, Harro Stolpe, Christian Jolk, Quoc Viet Trinh, Felix Bilek, and Antje Ulbricht. Mine Water Management as an Important Part of Mining and Transition to Post-Mining in Hard Coal Mining Areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Edited by Zhenqi Hu. Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas. London: CRC Press, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315166582.","ufg":"Brömme, Katrin et. al. (2017): Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, London.","ama":"Brömme K, Stolpe H, Jolk C, Trinh QV, Bilek F, Ulbricht A. Mine Water Management as an Important Part of Mining and Transition to Post-Mining in Hard Coal Mining Areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. (Hu Z, ed.). London: CRC Press; 2017:604. doi:10.1201/9781315166582","din1505-2-1":"Brömme, Katrin ; Stolpe, Harro ; Jolk, Christian ; Trinh, Quoc Viet ; Bilek, Felix ; Ulbricht, Antje ; Hu, Z. (Hrsg.): Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. London : CRC Press, 2017"},"user_id":"79260","_id":"7964","page":"604","conference":{"name":"2nd International Symposium on Land Reclamation and Ecological Restoration (LRER 2017)","location":"Beijing","end_date":"2017-10-23","start_date":"2017-10-20"},"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781315166582-88/mine-water-management-important-part-mining-transition-post-mining-hard-coal-mining-areas-quang-ninh-vietnam-broemme-stolpe-jolk-trinh-bilek-ulbricht?context=ubx&refId=a970763c-9367-4909-88d3-5fd82caae9eb"}],"doi":"10.1201/9781315166582","place":"London","editor":[{"first_name":"Zhenqi","full_name":"Hu, Zhenqi","last_name":"Hu"}],"type":"conference_editor_article","publisher":"CRC Press","date_updated":"2023-03-15T13:50:12Z","extern":"1","date_created":"2022-05-05T09:57:49Z","publication":"Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas","author":[{"last_name":"Brömme","full_name":"Brömme, Katrin","first_name":"Katrin"},{"first_name":"Harro","last_name":"Stolpe","full_name":"Stolpe, Harro"},{"full_name":"Jolk, Christian","last_name":"Jolk","first_name":"Christian","id":"81334"},{"first_name":"Quoc Viet","last_name":"Trinh","full_name":"Trinh, Quoc Viet"},{"full_name":"Bilek, Felix","last_name":"Bilek","first_name":"Felix"},{"first_name":"Antje","full_name":"Ulbricht, Antje","last_name":"Ulbricht"}],"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["9781315166582"]},"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"title":"Mine water management as an important part of mining and transition to post-mining in hard coal mining areas in Quang Ninh, Vietnam"}