SMARBS - Smart Carbohydrates
Novel low-calorie sugars in foods - application in beverages and baked goods
Due to recommendations of the World Health Organization and the increasing health awareness of the population, the demand for low-calorie and healthy alternatives to sucrose will increase constantly in the future. Conventional sucrose alternatives currently have sensory and/or technological disadvantages in the final food product. This is where the planned project takes effect. The overall objective of the planned research and development project is to develop and test novel, low-calorie and health-friendly sweetening substances in foods - these should make an active contribution to a balanced and healthy diet. The sensory and technological, but also the nutritional and physical properties of the sucrose alternatives are to be evaluated in various foods. The knowledge gained about the "new sugars" will then be used to reformulate the foods.
Contact: Sebastian Wittland, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Schneider, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ute Hermenau
Cooperation partners: Krüger GmbH & Co. KG, Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG, RWTH Aaachen, Savanna Lebensmittel GmbH
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Funding program: BMEL innovation funding program
Duration: 01.09.2018 until 31.08.2021
The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture is funding this research project as part of the National Reduction Strategy for Salt, Fat and Sugar. In addition to Savanna and the associated company Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG, other companies and universities (RWTH Aachen University, TH OWL) are also involved.