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TechnéHub OWL

Giving founders the space, infrastructure and expertise to get things done

Offering founders the space, infrastructure and expertise to get things done, while integrating them into strong regional networks with the business community, is the fundamental idea behind strengthening start-up activities at the OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (TH OWL). For this purpose, the unique potential of the infrastructures and networks of the profile-forming, research-strong areas of the TH OWL will now also be tapped for the founders. In this way, we create a targeted implementation support and address in a special way those start-up activities that require hardware or production, with the business partners also beyond the prototyping phase.

The basis for this is the strategic aim of the TH OWL to realize campus structures at its locations in Lemgo, Detmold and Höxter together with partners from business, research and society, on which the entire innovation chain of education - research - business interacts and thus a new and sustainable innovation dynamic is created. In the future, start-ups should also benefit intensively from this.


Contact:                                             Prof. Dr. Andreas Welling, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Schneider

Project executing organization:  ptj

Funding:                                             EXIST-Existenzgründung aus der Wissenschaft and Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Duration:                                           01.04.2020 bis 31.03.2025

More information about the project can be found here.