Nine professorships in the fields of
- Applied Biochemistry
- Technology of Protein-based Foods
- Beverage Technology
- Sensory Technology
- Food Chemistry with coffee laboratory
- Process Engineering
- Physics
- Pharmaceutical Technology incl. detergents and cosmetics
combine their know-how for comprehensive research in the ILT.NRW. Through the acquisition of national and European project funding, the laboratories have been excellently equipped, which has also benefited teaching in the sense of practice-oriented studies significantly.
The new edition of "Insights" has been published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the institute and gives an overview of the current activities.
Here you can find the digital version.
We hope you enjoy reading it!
An overview of all annual reports can be found here.
The university publication server ELSA (electronic publications and articles) contains publication records of various kinds. There you can search for technical papers, conference contributions and patents.
You can reach the university publication server ELSA at
The publications of the ILT.NRW can also be found under the publication tabs:
Kinetic data on the heat-thermal killing of undesirable germs - also known as "pasteurization" - in raw materials for foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics have been a topic at the Process Engineering Laboratory of the OWL University of Applied Science and Arts, now part of the Institute for Life Science Technologies (ILT.NRW), since 2002. Over the years, Laboratory head Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Müller and his team, in cooperation with the Beverage Technology Department, have built up an Internet resource for experts with the help of the available literature: The "Lemgo D- and z-value Database" or "LDzbase" in short.
The current Database you can find here: