Scholarship and Funding Programs for International Students
Scholarships play an important role in the design and financing of studies. Even while you are planning your studies in your home country, research on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) can help you gain valuable information on individual scholarship programs.
Already enrolled at TH OWL, the International Office is the first point of contact for international students, where information on various scholarship programs can be obtained. These are scholarship programs that are applied for at the International Office itself and are also awarded directly from there.
International Office scholarship programs
Scholarships that are applied for and awarded via the International Office are funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and are awarded according to their guidelines. In addition, the Phoenix Contact Foundation e.V. is a cooperation partner of TH OWL and supports both German and international students through the Cross Borders scholarship program.
With funds from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the International Office awards partial scholarships to foreign students who have been particularly committed during their studies in an international university context or to those who have financed their studies primarily through their own gainful employment and are about to graduate .
A) Scholarship in the graduation phase
You can apply if you
- are an international and regularly enrolled student who will acquire his / her bachelor's or master's degree at the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe.
have already registered your bachelor's or master's thesis or will have completed your colloquium by the end of the current semester at the latest.
B) Scholarship for particularly committed students
You can apply if you
- are an international and regularly enrolled student who will acquire his / her bachelor's or master's degree at the TH Ostwestfalen-Lippe..
- are in need through no fault of your own, but have demonstrably distinguished yourself through outstanding commitment at the TH OWL.
Further criteria:
You have not received DAAD STIBET I funding for the same degree before!
Application periods:
In the respective summer semester: April 1st to April 31st
In the respective winter semester: October 1st to October 31st
Send the documents to be submitted in PDF format by email to internationaloffice (at)
- Application form
- Copy of student ID
- Current transcript of records from the examination office. The grade point average and the credits must be visible
- Short letter of motivation (see guide)
- Form costs / financing (see form)
- Only for B): Proof of social commitment through a certificate from the university sector (e.g. tutoring, participation in social projects)
Mrs Kerstin Rosemann
Phone: +49 (0) 5261 - 702 5836
E-Mail: kerstin.rosemann(at)
The Phoenix Contact Foundation is committed to the Cross Border Studies Program to bring young people closer to different economic and educational systems and other cultures. Can apply:
- Students from abroad who study at the TH OWL for one semester or longer (incomings).
- Students of the TH OWL who want to study abroad at a partner university or a university of their choice as a freemover (outgoings).
The grant is paid for one semester and amounts to € 3,000 per scholarship holder. A total of four scholarships for incomings and two scholarships for outgoings are awarded.
Application documents
In cooperation with the International Office, the Phoenix Contact Foundation selects the scholarship holders for the respective funding year from the group of applicants.
Mrs Kerstin Rosemann
Phone: +49 (0) 5261 - 702 5836
E-Mail: kerstin.rosemann(at)
Dieses Leistungsstipendium richtet sich an Studierende mit Fluchtstatus, die sich nicht länger als 5 Jahren in Deutschland befinden oder bereits am NRWege-Programm teilgenommen haben. Das Stipendium wird ab dem Monat Oktober 2024 aus Mitteln ausgezahlt, die durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen bereitgestellt werden.
Auszahlungsmonat: ab Oktober 2024
Laufzeit: 3 Monate
Höhe: 300 €/Monat
Nachgewiesen werden muss:
- Aufenthaltsstatus (Fluchtstatus, nicht länger als 5 Jahre in Deutschland / Nachweis der Teilnahme am NRWege Programm)
- BAföG-Antrag
- Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
- die aktuelle Einkommenssituation durch Kontoauszuge der letzten 3 Monaten
- ein Motivationsschreiben, in dem das Studieninteresse in Anknüpfung an dem bisherigen Bildungsweg und die Unterstützungsnotwendigkeit dargelegt wird
- Hochschulzugangsberechtigung mit Leistungsübersicht ggf. auch bisherigen Hochschulabschluss
- Sprachzeugnis
- Angaben für NRWege Stipendien
Bewerbungsfrist: 30.09.2024
Bewerbung an:
E-Mail Betreff: Bewerbung Studieneingangsstipendium WS 24 -Name - Matrikelnummer
The DAAD Prize, endowed with € 1,000 per university, which has been awarded for more than ten years, is intended to give faces to the large numbers of international students at German universities and to connect them with stories. This makes it clear that every single international student takes a piece of Germany back home with him/her and leaves something of himself/herself in Germany - an enrichment for both sides.
Students who have received such a prize represent their fellow students from all over the world. They are future partners for Germany in business, politics and science.
The announcement is aimed at university professors at TH OWL, who can suggest suitable students. Independent applications for potential award winners are not possible!
For the application you, as a university professor: at TH OWL, need the following documents:
- Nomination form
- a short report with a description of the special academic achievement, the remarkable social, societal or university-internal commitment of the student
- Curriculum vitae of the student
- Certificate of enrollment for the student
- Current overview of grades for the student
Please send your suggestions with the above documents to the International Office, Mrs. Kerstin Rosemann: kerstin.rosemann (at)
Nomination period for each calendar year: March 1st to August 31st
The award ceremony
The award of the DAAD prize is also intended to visualize to a broader public what enrichment international students represent for the university community. The award ceremony should therefore take place in a correspondingly representative framework, which is decided anew every year.
Mrs Kerstin Rosemann
Phone: +49 (0) 5261 - 702 5836
E-Mail: kerstin.rosemann(at)