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(IT) Basics at the start of studies

Welcome to the TH OWL!
So that you can start your studies quickly and easily, we have compiled all the information about the basic IT equipment for you here basic. This means you are technically ready for a successful study programme at the TH OWL. From user access (Identitymanagement) to university login to e-mail, you will find all the instructions here - many of them as videos.

Five steps and you have your basic IT equipment complete!

  1. User Account (Identitymanagement)
  2. Univeristy dial-in (VPN)
  3. E-Mail-Account
  4. Wireless Network (eduroam)
  5. CampusCard (KISOWL)
Your central area for IT services at the university

Step 1 - User account (Identitymanagement)

This is what you find out here: Your user account is your personalised key to numerous university services. Without it, you will not have access to your Student season ticket("Semesterticket"), the university mail programme or exam registration. In just a few steps, you can activate your user account, apply for your usercertificate and access the video conference system. We will show you the details in the following videos.

Security note - Your user account and password are very personal information that you should never share with other people.

Video 1 - Learn how to activate your user account, how to change your one-time password and how to set up two-factor authentication.

Video 2 - Find out how to apply for your university certificate and gain access to the university's video conferencing system.

More information - In addition to these videos, you can find detailed information on your user account and the associated user administration (IDM) in the documentation: User Account (Benutzerzugang) and Two-factor authentication (Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung).

What happens next? - In the following four steps, you will find out which other services you need in everyday (IT) life at the university and how your user access is used there. Continue here with Step 2 - Highschool dial-in (VPN).

How to log into the university network from home

Step 2 - University dial in (VPN)

ATTENTION: These screencasts no longer show the current status. Contrary to what is shown in the video, you can now find all the required components on the page (not as indicated at We will adapt the screencasts shortly.

NOTE: Due to an error that can only be fixed in the next few days, the name of the downloaded certificate file is not EduCert.p12 as stated in the video, but EduCert.ovpn12. Please rename the file to EduCert.p12 after the download and then follow the further steps in the instructions.

What can you find out here? - The university dial-in service allows you to dial into the university network from the Internet (regardless of where you are with your end device) and thus gain access to content (network drives, etc.) that is only available on campus. This service enables you to access internal university data sources from anywhere in an encrypted and secure manner. To activate university dial-in, you will need your university certificate in addition to your user account. We show you the details in our videos on this topic.

Security note - Your university certificate, like your user account and password, is very personal information that you should never share with other people.

Video - Here you will learn how to set up and use a university login together with your user account and your university certificate on the most common operating systems. The short videos are divided into the operating systems MS Windows 10, Apple macOS, Apple iOS/iPadOS and Google Android.

We are currently working on the English version of the videos.

More Informationen -In addition to these videos, you will find detailed information on the university login, the associated user access (IDM) and the necessary university certificate in the documentation: Dial in (VPN), User account (IDM) and University certificate

What happens next? - You can find out which other services you need in your everyday (IT) life at the university in the following three steps. Continue here with Step 3 - E-Mail-Account.

How to use your university e-mail account

Step 3 - E-Mail-Account

This is what you learn here:  Communication is a central point in every degree programme. Whether with professors or other people, without communication many things take up more time than necessary. Your university e-mail account is available for secure and fast communication. Find out here how you can connect your university e-mail account with your private e-mail account.


Communication note - Within the university, information from the administration, the examination offices and the S(kim) will only be sent to your university e-mail address and never to your private e-mail address. In order to always receive the latest information, it is important to check your e-mail account regularly.

Video - Here you can find out how to connect your university email account with your private email account. In the short videos, we explain the necessary steps for the currently most popular email client programmes MS Outlook, Apple macOS Mail, Apple iOS/iPadOS Mail and Google Android Mail.

More detailed information - In addition to these videos, you will find detailed information about your e-mail account in the following documentation: E-Mail-Account.

What happens next? - You can find out which other services you need in everyday (IT) life at the university in the following two steps. Continue with Step 4 - Wireless network (eduroam), i.e. setting up and using the eduroam wireless network for all university locations.

How to use the eduroam wireless network

Step 4 - Wireless network (eduroam)

ATTENTION: These screencasts no longer show the current status, as the look and content of the website have changed a little. We will adapt the screencasts shortly.

What can you find out here? - The wireless network (eduroam) offers you free and fast internet access on campus. We explain how you can access the network in just a few steps. You can then use this service not only at the TH OWL campuses, but also at other universities in Europe. You will also have access to internal university services (eBooks, network drives, etc.).

Note - Setting up the "eduroam" wireless network does not always work in the same way, depending on the manufacturer and model. The procedure shown is therefore only an example. If you have any problems with the setup, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Alternative access - In addition to the wireless network (eduroam), there is another wireless network ("Conference&Guests") available on campus. However, this much more easily accessible wireless network is aimed at guests of the university and only provides internet access. We therefore advise you to use the wireless network (eduroam) for your studies.

Video - Here you can find out how to set up and use wireless network access on the most common operating systems. The four short videos are divided into the operating systems MS Windows 10, Apple macOS, Apple iOS/iPadOS and Google Android.

More informationen - In addition to these videos, you will find detailed information on the subject of wireless networks (eduroam) in the following documentation: Funknetzwerk (WLAN) (Wireless Network) and Hochschulzertifika (University Certificate).

What's next? - You can find out which other services you will need in your everyday (IT) life at the university in the last section below. Step 5 - CampusCard (KISOWL).

How to obtain your CampusCard (KISOWL)

Step 5 - CampusCard (KISOWL)

What can you find out here? - The CampusCard (KISOWL) has many functions: It is your student ID card that identifies you as a member of the university. The CampusCard is also your library card and your means of payment in the Cafeteria. You also need the card for the electronic locking system and employees use it to operate the print management system. It only takes a few steps to apply for your CampusCard, upload your photo and activate the payment function. We show you the details in our video.

Safety Note - Your CampusCard (KISOWL) is your personal ID card, which you must always carry with you. Report any loss immediately so that the card can be cancelled. This way, no-one will be able to use the money loaded onto the card.

Video - Here you can find out how to apply for your CampusCard, upload your photo and top up your card with credit for payment. We also show you how to reactivate the card with the six-monthly re-registration.

Further information - In addition to this video, you can find detailed information about your CampusCard (KISOWL) in the documentation: CampusCard (KISOWL)

What's next? - You now have all the basic equipment you need for your everyday life at the university. Of course, we provide you with numerous other services to make your studies easier. We will introduce you to these in the final chapter. Find out here aboutr more S(kim)-Services.

Get to know all our services

More S(kim)-Services

Student Portal - register for exams, view grades and more

Here you can register for exams during your studies and, if necessary, cancel your registration. The portal provides you with information about your examinations at any time. To be able to use the portal, you will need your university certificate

Sync&Share - A university cloud like Dropbox for cooperation during studies

When studying, it always makes sense to work collaboratively and share documents, for example. At the university, we offer Sync&Share as a secure alternative to DropBox. The functionalities of Sync&Share are similar, but your data remains secure in the university network and is not stored in a cloud.

Video conferencing - you can also meet your fellow students online

As your studies also take place online, you can use our WebEx conferencing tool to meet up with other people, for example for joint project work, a term paper or lectures.

Library services - Everything to do with libraries and media

During your studies you often need specialised literature and information - whether books or articles, electronic or print - in our libraries and with our library services we make your media available to you free of charge.
You can search for specific items in the catalogue, borrow them on site or read them online. You can order unavailable items free of charge via interlibrary loan. And our specialised databases in the digital library will help you find the right specialist literature.

Organisation during your studies - Useful tools and software for your studies

We offer you numerous practical tools to help you get through your studies in a well-organised and cost-effective way. Whether you want to view your entire course catalogue, put together a digital timetable or use an eLearning platform, we have the right tools for you. You can also use our tools to get some software products and tickets for public transport at a lower price.

  • Campus Management - Room planning, examination planning, telephone directory, timetable, semester plan
  • Hard-/Software - Hhardware, software, framwrok contracts
  • Learning platform eCampus - ILIAS, LMS, eLearning, Blended Learning
  • Semesterticket - Webshop, public transport, bus, train
  • Study planer- Campus office, digital timetable, booking internships, digital semester plan
We are happy to support you with advice and assistance

Assistance / Support

Our videos and documentaries are useful starting points, but cannot provide all the latest information or answer all your questions. The best way to keep up to date is to follow our news. If you have any questions about the library and IT, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail or come to one of our service points during our opening hours and let our team advise you.