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Bachelor thesis

A Bachelor's thesis is an academic paper written by students at the end of a Bachelor's degree programme.

  • Students of the Media Production degree programme (FB2) at TH OWL are obliged to archive the thesis as a full-text document on ELSA.
    See here: Checklist for students FB2
  • For all other degree programmes at TH OWL this is optional.

 A bibliography is an independent list of literature references. The bibliography provides a complete overview of the literature on a specific subject area. The compilation of titles can be alphabetical, systematic or chronological, depending on the purpose.

  • Bibliographies that list the literature used as part of another work are referred to as reference lists and are not included in ELSA.
Blog article

The entries, also known as postings, blog postings or posts, are the articles that make up the main components of a blog.

  •  The German National Library refers to blogs as internet publications and has also been assigning ISSNs to blogs since autumn 2013.

A monograph is a complete treatment of a topic. Specialised books are typically monographs: they deal with one ("mono") topic and present it comprehensively and in depth.

A monograph is an independently published, non-periodical publication that is completed in one volume or a limited number of volumes. Written by one or more authors.

  • At least one of the authors must be working at the TH OWL.
  • For monographic first publications we can assign an ISBN from the S(kim).
Book (editor)

The collective work (book, editor) deals with a general topic, but does not have to cover it completely. Rather, several authors look at the general topic from their own perspective in individual chapters of the book or devote themselves to special aspects of the general topic. The compilation is under the responsibility of one or more editors. The editors' task is to steer the content of the work and direct the authors in such a way that the general topic is presented without overlapping.

  • The title of the entire work is entered here if TH OWL employees act as editors.
Book chapter

Contributions to collective works  (book - chapters) are independent essays by an author or a team of authors in a superordinate collective work.

  •     The collective work contribution is part of a collective work.
  •     At least one of the authors must work at the TH OWL.
Book review

The document type review is a summary of a work (e.g. books or articles) that does not originate from the author.
A review is a discussion of a newly published book or audio recording, a theatre performance, a film, a current theatre production or a concert. The review is published in the print media and online publications and represents the author's individual judgement. It is primarily aimed at familiarising the reader with the new work and encouraging them to engage with it further.

Conference (editor)

The conference proceedings contain contributions to meetings, congresses or scientific conferences by various authors.

  • Editors can be natural persons and/or corporate bodies.
  • The title of the entire conference proceedings is entered here if employees of the TH OWL act as editors.
Conference - abstract

A conference abstract is a short text that summarises a presentation at a conference. The conference paper can be published simultaneously either in a scientific journal or in a conference proceedings.

  • At least one of the authors must work at the TH OWL.
  • The conference abstract must be permanently available.
Conference – poster

A conference poster is a visual presentation of results presented as a poster at a conference. These can also be published as a short paper in the conference proceedings or separately.

  • At least one of the authors must work at the TH OWL.
  • The conference poster must be permanently available.
Conference - speech

A conference speech is submitted and presented at a conference.

  • There is no documentation.
  • Conference speeches cannot be claimed for the calculation of the teaching load reduction.
Conference - slides

Conference slides are slides of a presentation (publicly accessible visual representations) given at a conference or meeting.

  • At least one of the authors must work at the TH OWL.
  • The conference slides must be permanently available.
Conference paper - article

Contribution to a conference, congress or scientific conference by one or more authors included in the conference proceedings.

  • At least one of the authors must work at the TH OWL.
  • The conference proceedings contribution must be permanently available.

The document type "dissertation" refers to a scientific work for obtaining a doctoral degree.

  • The TH OWL does not have the right to award doctorates, which is why dissertations are always produced in cooperation with a university.
Encyclopedia article

An encyclopedia article is an entry in a reference work in which interesting facts about all subject areas or about a specific subject area are collected.


An exhibition is a permanent or temporary public presentation (also within the university) in which exhibits are shown to the public. The document type is proof that the event has taken place. Only the metadata is recorded (title of the exhibition, location, organiser, exhibition period...)

  • It is not a documentation of the exhibition, for example in the form of an exhibition catalogue, which would be classified as a monograph, depending on its form.

The document type habilitation refers to an academic thesis as part of a habilitation to obtain a teaching authorisation at universities.

  • The TH OWL does not have the right to award habilitations, which is why habilitations are always produced in cooperation with a university.

Journals (also known as magazines) are publications that appear at regular intervals (periodicals) and usually have a particular thematic or specialised focus. Journals can be published both in printed form (print edition) and in electronic form (electronic journal).

  • Individual issues are not listed, but the journal itself.    
  • The title of the journal is entered here if employees of the TH OWL act as editors of the journal.
Journal article

A journal article is a finalised, dependent contribution on a defined topic/question, written by one or more authors and published together with other articles in a journal.

  • Not all articles or none of the journal articles have undergone a per review procedure.
  • These journal articles cannot be claimed for the calculation of the teaching load reduction.
Master thesis

A Master's thesis is a scientific or artistic work that is written for the completion of a Master's degree programme.

  • Students of the Media Production degree programme (FB2) at TH OWL are obliged to archive the thesis as a full-text document on ELSA.
    See here: Checklist for students FB2
  • For all other degree programmes at TH OWL this is optional.
Movie (metadata)

Proof of films created at the TH, e.g. as part of a Bachelor's thesis. Only the metadata is recorded, it is not possible to save the film

  • No documentation of the film is recorded for this document type. Documentation on a film can be entered in the document type Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis or monograph.
Newspaper article

A newspaper article is a finalised contribution with topical and universal content, published in mass media (such as newspapers, non-scientific journals, blogs).

  • As a rule, newspapers do not undergo a peer review process. Therefore, newspaper articles cannot be used to calculate the teaching load reduction.

Patent documents are documents published by national, regional or international patent offices that contain information on inventions for which a patent has been applied for, granted or for which a utility model has been registered.


A preprint is a scientific publication that has not (yet) undergone a review process (e.g. peer review) by a scientific journal or a publisher. Preprints are published via preprint servers recognised in the respective disciplin

  • In contrast to the publication type working paper / research report, the preprint should later appear in a scientific journal or as part of a book.
  • Detailed information can normally be found in the publication contract that you have signed with the publisher prior to publication.

The document type report includes public publications that are not available in bookshops, such as reports, external research reports, announcements, statistical reports, technical documentation and instructions.

Report science

Research reports are scientific publications that present the results, status or progress of research projects.

  • This type of publication also includes: expert opinions, research and final reports from public institutions.
  • They are produced by research institutions within and outside the universities as well as by companies. Employees of the university are significantly involved.
  • They are commissioned or funded by government bodies (ministries, specialist authorities), international organisations (e.g. European Union, sub-organisations of the United Nations), research funding institutions and companies.
Research data

Data generated in the course of a research project (e.g. measurement data) can be made available to the scientific community as research data. This serves both to improve the perception of scientific work and to promote the idea of open science.

  • To publish a dataset, it is stored in a citable form on a publicly accessible repository, provided with explanatory metadata and can be clearly defined by assigning a persistent identifier (such as a Digital Object Identifier - DOI). The data can also be provided with an embargo.
Scientific journal article

A journal article is a finalised, dependent contribution on a defined topic/question, written by one or more authors and published together with other articles in a journal.

  • All articles in this journal undergo a peer review process. (Evaluation of a scientific paper by independent reviewers, scientists in the same field)
  • If you are not sure whether a journal's articles are subject to a peer review process, take a look at the journal's website. Here you will often find information about the editorial board and the peer review process.
Source edition

The source edition is the publication of scientific sources that have not yet been published or have only been published inadequately.
Possible selection criteria:

  • Sources on a specific topic (e.g. sources on the history of social democracy)
  • Sources of a specific origin, i.e. an institution or person
  • Sources from a city or region (document books)
  • Sources of a specific type of text (e.g. correspondence); these are referred to as letter editions, file editions, diary editions, etc
  • Sources from a specific collection (e.g. a selection of documents from an archive)
Special magazine

A special journal is a publication that appears once within a publication (journal / periodical) that appears at regular intervals. The special journal deals with a narrowly defined topic. The special journal has an independent title that distinguishes it from the journal in which it appears.  Special journals can be published both in printed form (print edition) and in electronic form (electronic journal).

  • No individual articles from the magazine are included, but the special journal as such.
  • The title of the journal is entered here if employees of the TH OWL act as editors of the special journal.

In a translation, the content of a complete work is transferred from one language (the source language) into another language (the target language). The product of a translation or interpreting process (a translation) is also known as a translate.

  • The translation must represent a substantial research achievement.
  • In this case, the translator is entered as the author.
Translation (section)

This is the translation of the contents of a single chapter of a monograph or an article in a journal from one language (the source language) into another language (the target language).

  • The translation must represent a substantial research achievement.
  • In this case, the translator is entered as the author.
Working paper

Working papers or discussion papers are usually multi-page publications by researchers that do not appear in specialist journals or books, but are distributed as project-specific publications by the researchers themselves - quasi "self-published". This can be done via the Internet, for example

  • Preprints are a similar concept which, in contrast to the working paper publication type, appear later in a scientific journal or as part of a book.
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