By adding publication data, the metadata is automatically transferred to third-party systems (e.g. BASE). This guarantees rapid visibility. In addition, a DOI or ISBN can be assigned for a first publication.
To be able to create a data record, you must first log in with your user account (user ID xy-xyz and password). After logging in, the "New publication" button appears on the right-hand side. If you are already logged in, click on "My dashboard" in the ribbon. You will then see the "New publication" button on the right-hand side of the screen.
Options for creating data records
There are four different options for creating data records:
Option 1 - Identifier: Once the identifier has been entered, click on the "Go!" button. This completes the import of the metadata. You can check or edit the data record by clicking on the "Edit" button. The system currently supports the following identifiers: DOI, PMID, ArXiV ID, Inspire ID.
Option 2 - Document type: Here you select an available document type. The form fields must be filled in independently with the metadata.
Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. Saving without field content in mandatory fields is not possible. If you have any questions about individual fields or choosing the right document type, please contact us or use the glossary of document types. You can find more information here: glossary of document types
Option 3 - Drag & Drop: Full texts can be added quickly using option 3. Drag the full text into the field labelled "Option 3". Further information on the uploaded full text can be added in the free text field. The guidelines must then be confirmed. Click "submit" to finalise the import. If you would like to add metadata, select "edit".
The ELSA team will then take care of the correct entry of the metadata. We will also contact you to discuss the contractual modalities for the full text.
Option 4 - BibTex: To use the BibTex file, proceed as follows
Open the BibTex file in a text editor.
Select and copy a maximum of eight BibTex entries from the file at the same time and paste them into the empty text field labelled "Option 4".
Finalise the import by clicking on the "Import" button.
If you want to add metadata or a full text, click on "edit".
Editing data records
The data record can be edited at any time after saving. To do this, select the "My publications list" item in the page ribbon and click on the "ELSA" item under the corresponding publication. The detailed view of the data record opens. On the right-hand side you will find the item "Edit this record". You can use this item to edit the metadata.
If you have any questions about individual fields, please contact us.
You can put your publication online immediately. To do this, select the desired publication and click on "Publish".
If you would like to save a full text on the university publication server, a publication contract is required. It is important that all contractual partners (all authors and the S(kim)) receive a hand-signed contract. You can hand in the completed contract at one of our service points during service hours or send it to the S(kim) team by internal mail.
You can find the contract in PDF format here: Publication contract (Veröffentlichungsvertrag)
ISBN and DOI assignment
For first publications via ELSA, we can provide your publication with both a DOI and an ISBN. The full text must be available on ELSA for both variants.
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a digital, unique and unchangeable identifier for objects and is primarily used for online articles in scientific journals. In a way, it is comparable to ISSN and ISBN.
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a number used to uniquely identify books (printed and digital). By contrast, ISSNs (International Standard Serial Number) are assigned to journals and series.
Further information on this topic:
- DOI (external link to the homepage of the doi-Foundation)
- ISBN (external link to MVB, responsible for the ISBN assignment in Germany)
Please contact us for further information.
Contact us
Phone: +49 5261 702-2222