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New employees

Two weeks before the start of a new employment relationship, the data is transmitted to the IDM system via the interface. This then creates the new user. A user name is assigned, an initial password is defined and the assignment to an organizational unit, i.e. department or central institution, is made. Depending on the organizational unit, the data is forwarded to the connected systems, i.e. the systems of the departments also receive the data of the new employees. Of course, the e-mail inbox is already functional, the entry in the Exchange address book exists and the person has been created in Campus Management and in the ILIAS learning platform.

Once the data has been created, a letter with the access data is printed out and addressed to the new employee. The letter is sent by internal mail to the respective dean's office or organizational unit.
New employees should log in to IDM once when they start work and change their initial password to their preferred password.

Termination of employment

Employees whose employment contracts are due to expire will receive an e-mail a week before the expiry date. You will be reminded to transfer data to your successor or deputy if necessary. If contract extensions have not yet been entered into the system, please contact Department III. If an extension is received in good time, the expiry of the account will of course be cancelled.

With a grace period of two days after expiry of the employment contract, the user account and thus also the access for all systems linked to the account will be deactivated. As usual, the data will be deleted two years after deactivation.

Resumption of employment after an interruption

Within two years of the termination of an employment relationship, the existing "old" user access is reactivated upon re-employment. All old data are then available again.

Retirement arrangement for professors

For professors who retire, user access remains in place. In order to identify unused accounts, the S(kim) writes to users at regular intervals (usually every two years) and asks for confirmation as to whether user access is still required.

Student / scientific assistants

Assistants are given employee rights in the IT systems and therefore receive additional access independent of their student access data. This includes their own e-mail-account (E-Mail-Postfach), their own user on the ILIAS learning platform (Lernnplattform ILIAS), their own Campus management employee account (Campus Management Mitarbeiter Zugang) and other accesses.
As with employees, the user account is deactivated after termination of the employment relationship. An existing user account can be reactivated within two years by means of a new employment contract.


Lecturers also receive their own user account. Within two years of the termination of an employment relationship, the existing "old" user account is reactivated upon re-employment. This is set up in the same way as an employee account. There are differences in the deactivation of accounts. As lecturers are often still working for the university after their teaching assignment has formally ended (e.g. examinations) and the teaching assignment is often only given every second semester, deactivation only takes place 8 months after the end of the teaching assignment. If a new contract is awarded in the meantime, this waiting period begins again.


Change of names

If the employee's name changes, e.g. due to marriage, they must report this to HR. The changed data is automatically transferred to the IDM system. If desired, an additional e-mail alias with the old name can be created for a certain period of time.