International Logistics Management
1. Semester
Compulsory modules
- Supply Chain Controlling
- International Economics
- Advanced Modelling and Optimisation
- Intercultural Aspects of Management
Compulsory optional modules
- Competition Policy
- Production Management (German)
- Strategic Human Resource Management (German)
- Strategic Procurement
- Compliance Management Systeme (German)
- N.N. 1 *
* Eligible modules at OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, have to be approved by the examining board as a compulsory optional
2. Semester
Compulsory modules
- Managing Global Supply Chain Networks
- International Research Seminar
- International Marketing & Sales Strategy
Compulsory optional modules
- Demand Management
- Advanced ERP Systems
- N.N. 2 *
* Eligible modules at OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, have to be approved by the examining board as a compulsory optional
3. Semester
Masterarbeit/ Master thesis