An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification

C. Diederichs, V. Lohweg, in: G. Sicuranza (Ed.), IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, EURASIP, Grade- Trieste, Italy, 2003.

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IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing


Diederichs C, Lohweg V. An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In: Sicuranza G, ed. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP; 2003.
Diederichs, C., & Lohweg, V. (2003). An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In G. Sicuranza (Ed.), IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP.
Diederichs C and Lohweg V (2003) An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In Sicuranza G (ed.), IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP.
Diederichs, Carsten, and Volker Lohweg. “An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification.” In IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, edited by Giovanni Sicuranza. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP, 2003.
Diederichs, Carsten und Volker Lohweg. 2003. An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In: IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, hg. von Giovanni Sicuranza. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP.
Diederichs, Carsten ; Lohweg, Volker: An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In: Sicuranza, G. (Hrsg.): IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Grade- Trieste, Italy : EURASIP, 2003
C. Diederichs, V. Lohweg, An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification, in: G. Sicuranza (Ed.), IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, EURASIP, Grade- Trieste, Italy, 2003.
C. Diederichs and V. Lohweg, “An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification,” in IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2003.
Diederichs, Carsten, and Volker Lohweg. “An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification.” IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, edited by Giovanni Sicuranza, EURASIP, 2003.
Diederichs, Carsten/Lohweg, Volker (2003): An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification, in: Giovanni Sicuranza (Hg.): IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, Grade- Trieste, Italy.
Diederichs C, Lohweg V. An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification. In: Sicuranza G, editor. IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. Grade- Trieste, Italy: EURASIP; 2003.


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