Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision

K. von Blanckenburg, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Vol. 20 (2018) 211–224.

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Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
Vol. 20
No. 3


von Blanckenburg K. Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. 2018;Vol. 20(No. 3):211-224. doi:10.1108/dprg-05-2017-0020
von Blanckenburg, K. (2018). Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, Vol. 20(No. 3), 211–224.
von Blanckenburg K (2018) Google Search Abuses Dominant Position to Illegally Favour Google Shopping: An Economic Review of the EU Decision. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Vol. 20, 211–224.
Blanckenburg, Korbinian von. “Google Search Abuses Dominant Position to Illegally Favour Google Shopping: An Economic Review of the EU Decision.” Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Vol. 20, no. No. 3 (2018): 211–24.
von Blanckenburg, Korbinian. 2018. Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Vol. 20, Nr. No. 3: 211–224. doi:10.1108/dprg-05-2017-0020, .
von Blanckenburg, Korbinian: Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision. In: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Bd. Vol. 20.   [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] , Emerald Publishing (2018), Nr. No. 3, S. 211–224
K. von Blanckenburg, Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision, Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. Vol. 20 (2018) 211–224.
K. von Blanckenburg, “Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision,” Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, vol. Vol. 20, no. No. 3, pp. 211–224, 2018.
von Blanckenburg, Korbinian. “Google Search Abuses Dominant Position to Illegally Favour Google Shopping: An Economic Review of the EU Decision.” Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance, vol. Vol. 20, no. No. 3, Emerald Publishing, 2018, pp. 211–24, doi:10.1108/dprg-05-2017-0020.
von Blanckenburg, Korbinian (2018): Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision, in: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Vol. 20 (No. 3), S. 211–224.
von Blanckenburg K. Google search abuses dominant position to illegally favour Google Shopping: an economic review of the EU decision. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. 2018;Vol. 20(No. 3):211–24.


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