Bridging Networks with PTP

J. Jasperneite, K. Weber, in: 2004.

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Konferenz - Beitrag | Englisch
Proceedings of the Workshop on IEEE-1588 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems
Maryland, USA


Jasperneite J, Weber K. Bridging Networks with PTP. In: ; 2004.
Jasperneite, J., & Weber, K. (2004). Bridging Networks with PTP. Presented at the Proceedings of the Workshop on IEEE-1588 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems , Maryland, USA.
Jasperneite J and Weber K (2004) Bridging Networks with PTP.
Jasperneite, Jürgen, and Karl Weber. “Bridging Networks with PTP,” 2004.
Jasperneite, Jürgen und Karl Weber. 2004. Bridging Networks with PTP. In: .
Jasperneite, Jürgen ; Weber, Karl: Bridging Networks with PTP. In: , 2004
J. Jasperneite, K. Weber, Bridging Networks with PTP, in: 2004.
J. Jasperneite and K. Weber, “Bridging Networks with PTP,” presented at the Proceedings of the Workshop on IEEE-1588 Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems , Maryland, USA, 2004.
Jasperneite, Jürgen, and Karl Weber. Bridging Networks with PTP. 2004.
Jasperneite, Jürgen/Weber, Karl (2004): Bridging Networks with PTP, in: .
Jasperneite J, Weber K. Bridging Networks with PTP. In 2004.


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