Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience

M. Minge, M. Thüring, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109 (2018) 13–25.

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International Journal of Human-Computer Studies


Minge M, Thüring M. Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2018;109:13-25.
Minge, M., & Thüring, M. (2018). Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 109, 13–25.
Minge M and Thüring M (2018) Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109, 13–25.
Minge, Michael, and Manfred Thüring. “Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109 (2018): 13–25.
Minge, Michael und Manfred Thüring. 2018. Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109: 13–25.
Minge, Michael ; Thüring, Manfred: Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Bd. 109 (2018), S. 13–25
M. Minge, M. Thüring, Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 109 (2018) 13–25.
M. Minge and M. Thüring, “Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 109, pp. 13–25, 2018.
Minge, Michael, and Manfred Thüring. “Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 109, 2018, pp. 13–25.
Minge, Michael/Thüring, Manfred (2018): Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience, in: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 109, S. 13–25.
Minge M, Thüring M. Hedonic and Pragmatic Halo Effects at Early Stages of User Experience. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2018;109:13–25.


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