Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters
S. Puls, J.-N. Koch, S. Warkentin, H. Borcherding, Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC Fed Drive Inverters, VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2022.
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Konferenzband - Beitrag
| Veröffentlicht
| Englisch
Körperschaftlicher Herausgeber
Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH
Today DC offers far-reaching advantages over AC. Therefore, many devices have been equipped with an internal DC link for many years. In the field of energy supply, the use of DC technology is also growing and is state of the art in offshore, high-voltage, vehicle and data center applications. The spread of industrial open DC grids is currently starting and is completely different due to the requirements: The industrial DC grid is highly dynamic. This means that power varies greatly over time and therefore there is a large amount of capacitance with little damping. The paper describes possibilities of outsourcing DC link capacitors from devices and the resulting influences on the lifetime.
Titel Konferenzband
PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings
PCIM Europe 2022
2022-05-10 – 2022-05-12
Puls S, Koch JN, Warkentin S, Borcherding H. Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC Fed Drive Inverters. (Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, ed.). VDE Verlag; 2022. doi:10.30420/565822046
Puls, S., Koch, J.-N., Warkentin, S., & Borcherding, H. (2022). Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters. In Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH (Ed.), PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings. VDE Verlag.
Puls S et al. (2022) Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC Fed Drive Inverters, Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH (ed.). Berlin: VDE Verlag.
Puls, Simon, Jan-Niklas Koch, Slavi Warkentin, and Holger Borcherding. Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC Fed Drive Inverters. Edited by Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings. Berlin: VDE Verlag, 2022.
Puls, Simon, Jan-Niklas Koch, Slavi Warkentin und Holger Borcherding. 2022. Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters. Hg. von Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings. Berlin: VDE Verlag. doi:10.30420/565822046, .
Puls, Simon ; Koch, Jan-Niklas ; Warkentin, Slavi ; Borcherding, Holger ; Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH (Hrsg.): Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters. Berlin : VDE Verlag, 2022
S. Puls, J.-N. Koch, S. Warkentin, H. Borcherding, Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters, VDE Verlag, Berlin, 2022.
S. Puls, J.-N. Koch, S. Warkentin, and H. Borcherding, Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters. Berlin: VDE Verlag, 2022. doi: 10.30420/565822046.
Puls, Simon, et al. “Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC Fed Drive Inverters.” PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings, edited by Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, VDE Verlag, 2022,
Puls, Simon u. a.: Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters, hg. von Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Berlin 2022.
Puls S, Koch JN, Warkentin S, Borcherding H. Influence of Link Capacitor Outsourcing and Reduction of Capacitors in DC fed Drive Inverters. Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, editor. PCIM Europe 2022 International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management Proceedings. Berlin: VDE Verlag; 2022.
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