Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments

D. Block, Y. Naderpour, G.M. Shrestha, U. Meier, Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014.

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19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014


Block D, Naderpour Y, Shrestha GM, Meier U. Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA; 2014.
Block, D., Naderpour, Y., Shrestha, G. M., & Meier, U. (2014). Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA.
Block D et al. (2014) Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA.
Block, D., Y. Naderpour, G. M. Shrestha, and Uwe Meier. Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014.
Block, D., Y. Naderpour, G. M. Shrestha und Uwe Meier. 2014. Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA.
Block, D. ; Naderpour, Y. ; Shrestha, G. M. ; Meier, Uwe: Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments : IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014
D. Block, Y. Naderpour, G.M. Shrestha, U. Meier, Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014.
D. Block, Y. Naderpour, G. M. Shrestha, and U. Meier, Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014.
Block, D., et al. “Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments.” 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014, IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2014.
Block, D. et. al. (2014): Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments.
Block D, Naderpour Y, Shrestha GM, Meier U. Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments. 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2014. IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA; 2014.


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