Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing

A.N. Shrotri, C. Wittenbröker, S. Preu, O. Stübbe, Design and Simulation of a Nozzle-Mask for Optical Fiber 3D-Printing, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, USA, 2024.

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Konferenzband - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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This paper proposes an innovative approach of manufacturing optical fibers using nozzle-mask-aided additive manufacturing. Nozzle-masks ease 3D-printing of optical fibers allowing the manufacturing or drawing of optical fibers of up to 10 μm diameter. These nozzle-masks feature a suction mechanism to prevent clogging of printhead and mask. The extrusion of Polymethyl-methacrylate material through the print-head and nozzle-mask simplifies the rapid prototyping of the optical fibers.
Titel Konferenzband
3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV
12995 0A
3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV
2024-04-08 – 2024-04-09


Shrotri AN, Wittenbröker C, Preu S, Stübbe O. Design and Simulation of a Nozzle-Mask for Optical Fiber 3D-Printing. Vol 12995. (von Freymann G, Herkommer AM, Flury M, eds.). SPIE; 2024:12995 0A. doi:10.1117/12.3017000
Shrotri, A. N., Wittenbröker, C., Preu, S., & Stübbe, O. (2024). Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing. In G. von Freymann, A. M. Herkommer, & M. Flury (Eds.), 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV (Vol. 12995, p. 12995 0A). SPIE.
Shrotri AN et al. (2024) Design and Simulation of a Nozzle-Mask for Optical Fiber 3D-Printing, von Freymann G, Herkommer AM and Flury M (eds). Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE.
Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Christian Wittenbröker, Sascha Preu, and Oliver Stübbe. Design and Simulation of a Nozzle-Mask for Optical Fiber 3D-Printing. Edited by Georg von Freymann, Alois M. Herkommer, and Manuel Flury. 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV. Vol. 12995. Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, 2024.
Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, Christian Wittenbröker, Sascha Preu und Oliver Stübbe. 2024. Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing. Hg. von Georg von Freymann, Alois M. Herkommer, und Manuel Flury. 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV. Bd. 12995. Proceedings of SPIE. Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.3017000, .
Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra ; Wittenbröker, Christian ; Preu, Sascha ; Stübbe, Oliver ; von Freymann, G. ; Herkommer, A. M. ; Flury, M. (Hrsg.): Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing, Proceedings of SPIE. Bd. 12995. Bellingham, Washington, USA : SPIE, 2024
A.N. Shrotri, C. Wittenbröker, S. Preu, O. Stübbe, Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, USA, 2024.
A. N. Shrotri, C. Wittenbröker, S. Preu, and O. Stübbe, Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing, vol. 12995. Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, 2024, p. 12995 0A. doi: 10.1117/12.3017000.
Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra, et al. “Design and Simulation of a Nozzle-Mask for Optical Fiber 3D-Printing.” 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV, edited by Georg von Freymann et al., vol. 12995, SPIE, 2024, p. 12995 0A,
Shrotri, Abhijeet Narendra u. a.: Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing, Bd. 12995, hg. von Freymann, Georg von/Herkommer, Alois M./Flury, Manuel, Bellingham, Washington, USA 2024 (Proceedings of SPIE).
Shrotri AN, Wittenbröker C, Preu S, Stübbe O. Design and simulation of a nozzle-mask for optical fiber 3D-printing. von Freymann G, Herkommer AM, Flury M, editors. 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV. Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE; 2024. (Proceedings of SPIE; vol. 12995).


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