Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits

A. Kiffe, S. Geng, T. Schulte, in: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, IEEE, 2012.

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Konferenz - Beitrag | Englisch
Power electronic devices are growing in importance in automotive applications. Power converters are used in hybrid electric vehicles but also in other vehicle applications like electric steering systems. For testing electronic equipment, hardware-in-the-loop simulation is a today's standard method in the automotive industry. It always requires a real-time simulation of the plant. For testing the electronic control units of power electronics, real-time capable models of power electronic circuits need to be developed, accordingly. This paper presents an approach for an automated generation of a FPGA-based oversampling model of power electronic circuits. Two types of modeling methods for considering the nonlinear switching behavior will be compared. For applying the oversampling approach a generator is presented, which automates a FPGA-based implementation of the circuit model. The approach is proven by simulation and measurement results.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts
Proc. of 15th Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf. (EPE-PEMC 2012 ECCE Europe)
Novi Sad (Serbien)
2012-09-04 – 2012-09-06


Kiffe A, Geng S, Schulte T. Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . In: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. IEEE; 2012.
Kiffe, A., Geng, S., & Schulte, T. (2012). Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . In 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. Novi Sad (Serbien): IEEE.
Kiffe A, Geng S and Schulte T (2012) Automated Generation of a FPGA-Based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. IEEE.
Kiffe, Axel, Stefan Geng, and Thomas Schulte. “Automated Generation of a FPGA-Based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits .” In 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. IEEE, 2012.
Kiffe, Axel, Stefan Geng und Thomas Schulte. 2012. Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . In: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. IEEE.
Kiffe, Axel ; Geng, Stefan ; Schulte, Thomas: Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . In: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts : IEEE, 2012
A. Kiffe, S. Geng, T. Schulte, Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits , in: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, IEEE, 2012.
A. Kiffe, S. Geng, and T. Schulte, “Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits ,” in 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Novi Sad (Serbien), 2012.
Kiffe, Axel, et al. “Automated Generation of a FPGA-Based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits .” 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, IEEE, 2012.
Kiffe, Axel et. al. (2012): Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits , in: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts.
Kiffe A, Geng S, Schulte T. Automated Generation of a FPGA-based Oversampling Model of Power Electronic Circuits . In: 2012 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. IEEE; 2012.


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