Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services

S. Tackenberg, S. Duckwitz, T.G. Gamber, in: F.-J. Villmer, E. Padoano, Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, 2018, pp. 271–281.

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Konferenz - Beitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Körperschaftlicher Herausgeber
Department of Production Engineering and Management; Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
A high level of productivity for current and future services is a critical success factor for companies. When the productivity of services is unknown or incorrect, resources are wasted and opportunities are missed. To respond to this challenge, a simulation modelfor the prospective description of a complex service provision was developed in order to support companies to create a robust offering of services.Focusing on the domain of factory planning, we illustrate howan extended Stochastic Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem(SRCPSP) can be applied for developing proposals. The presented validation study confirms that the approach is capable to calculate and optimize the planning objectives when developing a service for complex engineering projects
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Production Engineering and Management
Proceedings 8th International Conference
2018-10-04 – 2018-10-05


Tackenberg S, Duckwitz S, Gamber TG. Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services. In: Villmer F-J, Padoano E, Department of Production Engineering and Management, eds. Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo; 2018:271-281.
Tackenberg, S., Duckwitz, S., & Gamber, T. G. (2018). Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services. In F.-J. Villmer, E. Padoano, & Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management (pp. 271–281). Lemgo.
Tackenberg S, Duckwitz S and Gamber TG (2018) Robust Planning of the Provision of Complex Services. In Villmer F-J, Padoano E and Department of Production Engineering and Management (eds), Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo, pp. 271–281.
Tackenberg, Sven, Sönke Duckwitz, and Thilo Gerhard Gamber. “Robust Planning of the Provision of Complex Services.” In Production Engineering and Management, edited by Franz-Josef Villmer, Elio Padoano, and Department of Production Engineering and Management, 271–81. Lemgo, 2018.
Tackenberg, Sven, Sönke Duckwitz und Thilo Gerhard Gamber. 2018. Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services. In: Production Engineering and Management, hg. von Franz-Josef Villmer, Elio Padoano, und Department of Production Engineering and Management, 271–281. Lemgo.
Tackenberg, Sven ; Duckwitz, Sönke ; Gamber, Thilo Gerhard: Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services. In: Villmer, F.-J. ; Padoano, E. ; Department of Production Engineering and Management (Hrsg.): Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo, 2018, S. 271–281
S. Tackenberg, S. Duckwitz, T.G. Gamber, Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services, in: F.-J. Villmer, E. Padoano, Department of Production Engineering and Management (Eds.), Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, 2018: pp. 271–281.
S. Tackenberg, S. Duckwitz, and T. G. Gamber, “Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services,” in Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, 2018, no. 1, pp. 271–281.
Tackenberg, Sven, et al. “Robust Planning of the Provision of Complex Services.” Production Engineering and Management, edited by Franz-Josef Villmer et al., no. 1, 2018, pp. 271–81.
Tackenberg, Sven et. al. (2018): Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services, in: Franz-Josef Villmer et. al. (Hgg.): Production Engineering and Management, Lemgo, S. 271–281.
Tackenberg S, Duckwitz S, Gamber TG. Robust Planning of the Provision of complex Services. In: Villmer F-J, Padoano E, Department of Production Engineering and Management, editors. Production Engineering and Management. Lemgo; 2018. p. 271–81.


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