Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management

M. van der Borgh, T. Schäfers, A. Lindgreen, C.A. Di Benedetto,   Industrial Marketing Management : The International Journal for Industrial and High-Tech Firms 103 (2022) A1–A6.

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Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) has made academic-practitioner articles central to its development strategy, creating a section to incubate articles co-authored by academics and practitioners. In this editorial, we provide insight to the current state of academic-practitioner articles in Industrial Marketing Management, outline suitable research methodologies, and provide guidelines for prospective authors.
Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms


van der Borgh M, Schäfers T, Lindgreen A, Di Benedetto CA. Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management.   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms. 2022;103(5):A1-A6. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.03.015
van der Borgh, M., Schäfers, T., Lindgreen, A., & Di Benedetto, C. A. (2022). Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management.   Industrial Marketing Management : The International Journal for Industrial and High-Tech Firms, 103(5), A1–A6.
van der Borgh M et al. (2022) Moving the Needle: Publishing Academic-Practitioner Research in Industrial Marketing Management.   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms 103, A1–A6.
Borgh, Michel van der, Tobias Schäfers, Adam Lindgreen, and C. Anthony Di Benedetto. “Moving the Needle: Publishing Academic-Practitioner Research in Industrial Marketing Management.”   Industrial Marketing Management : The International Journal for Industrial and High-Tech Firms 103, no. 5 (2022): A1–6.
van der Borgh, Michel, Tobias Schäfers, Adam Lindgreen und C. Anthony Di Benedetto. 2022. Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management.   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms 103, Nr. 5: A1–A6. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.03.015, .
van der Borgh, Michel ; Schäfers, Tobias ; Lindgreen, Adam ; Di Benedetto, C. Anthony: Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management. In:   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms Bd. 103. New York,NY, Elsevier (2022), Nr. 5, S. A1–A6
M. van der Borgh, T. Schäfers, A. Lindgreen, C.A. Di Benedetto, Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management,   Industrial Marketing Management : The International Journal for Industrial and High-Tech Firms. 103 (2022) A1–A6.
M. van der Borgh, T. Schäfers, A. Lindgreen, and C. A. Di Benedetto, “Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management,”   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms, vol. 103, no. 5, pp. A1–A6, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.03.015.
van der Borgh, Michel, et al. “Moving the Needle: Publishing Academic-Practitioner Research in Industrial Marketing Management.”   Industrial Marketing Management : The International Journal for Industrial and High-Tech Firms, vol. 103, no. 5, 2022, pp. A1–6,
Borgh, Michel van der u. a.: Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management, in:   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms 103 (2022), H. 5,  S. A1–A6.
van der Borgh M, Schäfers T, Lindgreen A, Di Benedetto CA. Moving the needle: Publishing academic-practitioner research in Industrial Marketing Management.   Industrial marketing management : the international journal for industrial and high-tech firms. 2022;103(5):A1–6.


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