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305 Publikationen
2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 5091
Rodríguez Cardona D, Janssen A, Guhr N, Breitner MH, Milde J. A Matter of Trust? Examination of Chatbot Usage in Insurance Business. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , editor. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, HI : University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Hamilton Library; 2021.
2021 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 5100
Arfa F, Pottgiesser U. Roundtable VII: Time and Unlisted Heritage. In: Pottgiesser U, Fatoric S, Hein C, de Maaker E, Roders, Ana P, editors. LDE Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals. Netherlands: TU Delft Open; 2021. p. 537–9.
2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 5101
Raed AA, Pottgiesser U, Quist WJ. Sustainable Development of 1970-2014 High-Rise Residential Architecture from: Dubai Case Study on Modern Heritage. In: Pottgiesser U, Fatoric S, de Maaker E, Pereira Roders A, editors. LDE Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals. Netherlands: TU Delft Open; 2021. p. 268–78.
2021 | Bachelorarbeit | ELSA-ID: 5117
Kreh A. Das Radio und die Medizin - Untersuchungen zu medizinischen Radiofeatures in Deutschland. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2021.
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2021 | Bachelorarbeit | ELSA-ID: 4398
Von Drathen L. Implementierung eines Corporate Podcasts als erweiterte Strategie der Unternehmenskommunikation - am Beispiel des transcript Verlages. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe;
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2021 | Konferenz - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 4509
Bunte A, Richter F, Diovisalvi R. Why it is Hard to Find AI in SMEs - A Survey From the Practice and How to Promote it. In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART). 2021.
2021 | Sammelwerk - Beitrag | ELSA-ID: 3349
Hernández Rodriguez T, Frahm B. Digital Seed Train Twins and Statistical Methods. In: Herwig C, Pörtner R, Möller J, editors. Digital Twins Tools and Concepts for Smart Biomanufacturing. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2021. p. 97–131. (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology; vol. 176).
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 12226
Jechow A, Schreck G, Kyba CCM, Berger SA, Bistarelli LT, Bodenlos M, et al. Design and implementation of an illumination system to mimic skyglow at ecosystem level in a large-scale lake enclosure facility. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1).
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 12227
Woolway RI, Jennings E, Shatwell T, Golub M, Pierson DC, Maberly SC. Lake heatwaves under climate change. Nature : the international journal of science. 2021;589(7842):402–7.
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 12229
Woolway RI, Sharma S, Weyhenmeyer GA, Debolskiy A, Golub M, Mercado-Bettín D, et al. Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1).
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 12230
Moore TN, Mesman JP, Ladwig R, Feldbauer J, Olsson F, Pilla RM, et al. LakeEnsemblR: An R package that facilitates ensemble modelling of lakes. Environmental modelling & software with environment data news. 2021;143.
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 12232 |
Graeber D, Tenzin Y, Stutter M, Weigelhofer G, Shatwell T, von Tümpling W, et al. Bioavailable DOC: reactive nutrient ratios control heterotrophic nutrient assimilation—An experimental proof of the macronutrient-access hypothesis. Biogeochemistry : an international journal . 2021;155(1):1–20.
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2021 | Bachelorarbeit | ELSA-ID: 5250
Löding F. Produktion eines Dokumentarfilms. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2021.
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2021 | Bachelorarbeit | ELSA-ID: 5255
Schnell S. How to catch users online (fast) - Unterschiedliche Montagetechniken und deren Einfluss auf social Media Spots. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule OWL; 2021. 37 p.
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2021 | Bachelorarbeit | ELSA-ID: 5345
Baumann T. Entwicklung der Corporate Identity für den SV SW Sende & die Entwicklung von Social Media für Amateurvereine. Lemgo: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2021. 124 p.
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2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz (wiss.) | ELSA-ID: 5423
Katsch L, Methner FJ, Schneider J. Kinetic studies of 5-(Hydroxymethyl)-furfural formation and change of the absorption at 420 nm in fruit juices for the improvement of pasteurization plants . International Journal of Food Engineering . 2021;17(9):703–13.
2021 | Konferenzband | ELSA-ID: 5491 |
Pottgiesser U, Dragutinovic A, Loddo M, OWL University of Applied Sciences, Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture, editors. MoMove Modern Movement and Infrastructure. Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe; 2021.
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